Time & clime, & wealth & health, & root & fruit, & state & fate
May you in your majesty, continue in year and name
Year joyous, clime pleasant, wealth plenty, and health whole
Root constant, fruit enduring, state splendid, and fate tame.

© Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, Ca
December 24, 2001

سال و فال و مال و حال و اصل و نسل و تخت و بخت
بادت اندر شـهریاری برقرار و بر دوام
سال خرم فال نیکو مال وافر حال خوش
اصـل ثابـت نـسـل باقی تخت عالی بخت رام


O heart did you see that worthy child
What in this colorful dome had to brave
Instead of a silver plaque by his side
Fate put him under the stony grave.

© Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, Ca
December 24, 2001

دلا دیدی که آن فرزانـه فرزند
چه دید اندر خم این طاق رنگین
به جای لوح سیمین در کنارش
فلک بر سر نهادش لوح سنگین


That fruit of Paradise which came into your hands
Why did you not use your hands to plant inside your heart?
When time comes for you to tell about your tale
Go to its springhead, from the heavenly fruit start.

© Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, Ca
December 24, 2001

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